Site Changes

Wow. Got so much going on so fast, but this is why I changed services.
We have updated the site in a couple of different ways.
To the right the first thing you will see is an on-line calendar of what we have happening. Probably the biggest issue we have relating to family is coordinating what we have going on with something they want us to do / be a part of. Well, now you can check out we we have going on right here.
Secondly, we have added three additional sub-sites to this one. The first of those has to do with our love of movies, theater, and the like. We will be posting our reviews of what we see & do. I highly encourage commentary here.
The second site is Darin's bravery into the bowels of literary criticism. Look out now and laughing out loud is permitted.
Lastly, there is now a link to our family tree website from Family Tree Maker. Any questions or comments on that can be posted against any article.
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