Lord hear our prayer

We, as like many of you, tremble at the sight of what we see and hear on a daily basis. We stand in shock that such things are occurring with such proximity. We as a nation, see ourselves as the givers and not the needy.
Though there is not much we can physically do to assist in the daily needs of these people, we pray each night as a family for those trapped in this plight and we wanted to take this opportunity to do so with you here:
We pray for those afflicted by the tragedies of the hurricane.
We pray for those who's lives were sustained by technology which can no longer power it self.
We pray for the babies born into this horror with no post-natal care.
We pray for the elderly whose strength tires without such tragedy.
We pray you care for those who will die alone and without comfort.
We pray for the hero's of this tragedy and what they give up daily in reaching out to others.
We pray for this strength to head the warnings of this event and use it orient the future of our lives.
We pray for the weak.
We pray for the strong.
We pray for our country.
We pray for our world.
In your son's name Jesus Christ we pray,
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I was out searching for daily prayer related information, when I landed on your page. Quincykids you have some good stuff there. While this post wasn't exactly what I was looking for I enjoyed the read Thanks. So I'll continue on looking for daily prayer, see you again some time.
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